
当院では、顔の施術だけではなく、全身の治療により身体と心のバランスをとる事に重点を置いています。内側からの健康的な美しさを求めた上で、顔の施術(鍼、骨格矯正マッサージ)によってリフトアップ、小顔効果、肌質の改善、クマ/シワの改善等を求めます。また、丁寧なカウンセリングにより、日常生活の改善点などのアドバイスもさせて頂くことにより、より持続する美しさを求め、施術させて頂いています。身体の調子がよく、美容鍼を希望される方は1時間コース(10,800円/1時間)、身体も美容もしっかり施術をなさりたい方は1.5時間ー2時間コース(15,500円-19,500円)をお勧めします。また、定期的に来られる方には回数券もございます。(5回コース: 9,200円 /1時間 、 10回コース:8,700円 /1時間)







What is unique about Tsukioka Beauty Acupuncture?

Balancing body, mind and soul is really important to bring out the real beauty in you.  Therefore I treat not only the face, but also the whole body as part of your beauty acupuncture treatment.  In addition to enhancing your inner beauty, when you have acupuncture and massage treatment on your face, you can expect to see an immediate “lift up” effect, as well as better facial shape, elimination of puffiness and so on. With ongoing treatment you will likely experience improvement of your skin condition, elimination of wrinkles and better facial complexion. Of course through pre-treatment consultation, I can suggest a variety of things you can do to adjust your daily life style to contribute to better health and beauty.

For people who’s body is already in great condition and would like to try beauty acupuncture, I would recommend a 1hr course (10800yen/hr).  If you’d like to compliment this treatment and treat your body too, a 1.5–2 hour session will enable a complete facial and body experience (15500yen-19500yen). 

At my clinic, the risk of bruising is very low compared to other clinics because of the gentle specialist techniques I use (some people do bruise easier than others so it is important to be aware of this minor effect).  If you’re scared of the idea of needles in your face, I am also trained in a special (even gentler) “touching acupuncture” technique which doesn’t puncture the skin at all.

Weight Loss

I also offer an additional weight loss treatment through the application of “ear seeds”.  This is free for people getting beauty treatment - If you would like to try this, please just let me know. For a really glamorous touch you can also try the beautiful Swarovski ear seeds which I have in stock and can be applied at a cost of 500yen/point.


If you have problems with menopause, menstruation, coldness, hair loss, constipation, depression/anxiety and any other symptoms, please let me know.  According to your main concerns, I will customise the treatment plan to suite your needs.